
We are located
in Martin Road Park,
by the E Lewiston entrance,
in Ferndale, Michigan.

(see map)


• If you would like a schedule of our meetings, garden events or garden related events just check out our calendar.

• To become a member, please contact us at: gngMembership@yahoo.com

Visitors Always Welcome!

A monarch butterfly alights on a Mexican sunflower, on a late September afternoon

Welcome to the Good Neighbors Community Garden!

The Good Neighbors Garden is a community organization, located in Ferndale, Michigan. It is at the south-west corner of Martin Road Park.

The mission of the Good Neighbors Garden is to encourage, support and promote a relationship between individuals, families and the earth, through gardening, education and events.

Good Neighbors Garden Features

Located at the Martin Road Park in Ferndale, Michigan, the Good Neighbors Garden has approximately 30 private plots, where members can grow food for themselves and their families, and more than fifteen communal plots, shared by all members.

The communal areas include a strawberry bed, raspberries, perennial and annual herbs, beds for growing various veggies and flowers, and a small apple tree.

In addition, there is a large pollinator garden, up front..

Become a Good Neighbors Garden Member!

Membership is available to residents of Ferndale, Michigan and neighboring communities.

Membership is $15 per year for individuals, and $25 for families. You can rent a 20'x4' private plot on a sliding scale of $25-50 depending on your ability to pay, and participation in the organization. These funds help pay for the plants, materials, tools and water for the garden.

For more information on membership, contact us at gngMembership@yahoo.com.